GPR Detector

The GPR-detector is designed for decision of the following tasks:

  • To detect moving people behind reinforced concrete walls 0.6 m thick
  • To detect caches
  • To detect holes, underground communication passes, hideouts
  • To detect contraband criminal disposals, etc
  • To detect mine-explosive devices, including caseless ones or those in non-metal cases, placed in building constructions, under roads and railways


The design features and innovative engineering solutions allow quick application of the device to detect to detect people by movement in real-time operation with:

  • thick reinforced concrete walls,
  • multi-layer building constructions.

During scanning the operator can see on the display the signals reflecting from a moving men and can hear sound tone.

Detection a moving man at a distance 10 m behind a reinforced concrete wall up to 0.6 m thick
Soil surface survey depth up to 5 m
Resolution - 0.15 m
Shielded antenna unit AB-400 M
Central frequency - 400 MHz
Dimensions 500 x 290 x 140 mm
Weight 5.8 kg
Time of continuous operation with one storage battery - 6 h
Manufactured on the basis of serial GPR OKO-2