Antenna with central frequency of 150 MHz, depth of sounding up to 12 meter, resolution 0,35 meter with removable wheel system

Geoscan 32 is designed for control of the ground penetration radar (GPR), as well as for further processing and visualization of the data obtained in the process of scanning.
- GPR data acquisition with OKO-2 GPR in continuous mode, arrow mode (using odometer) and step-by-step mode
- Data visualization during the survey
- Interactive determination of layer speeds and local objects occurrence depths
- Layer-by-layer processing;
- Area survey data processing
- Terrain correction
- Trace editing

RadExplorer - is designed for interactive processing and interpretation of GPR data developed by DECO Geophysical.RadExplorer is a specially designed program for GPR (ground-penetrating radar) data processing and interpretation. The options set optimized for GPR data and friendly human-engineered interface allow quick and effective processing of GPR data.
- Automatic selection of optimum data processing parameters by default depending on the parameters of the data
- Interactive construction of data processing flows with ability to save them on hard disk and re-use with other files
- Unlimited undo of the processing routines
- Interactive detemination of dielectric constant/velocity in the media and depth of target objects
- Reflection picking with saving the obtained picks into tabular text file
Flexible model editor and time-to-depth conversion
RadExPro Plus is designed for comprehensive processing and interpretation of near-surface on-shore and off-shore seismic, VSP and GPR data under Windows 9x/Me/2000/XP/Vista.
- Reflection data processing and interpretation
- Field quality control (QC) of 2D/3D seismic data
- Refraction seismic data processing and interpretation
- VSP data processing
- GPR data processing and interpretation
RadExPro Plus™ is operating on inexpensive Windows-driven PC's and workstations. Install it onto a notebook and take afield or aboard a research vessel and enjoy all the potential of the full-blown system for seismic processing, interpretation and quality control!
- Convenient and easy data input/output allows loading of seismic and GPR data recorded almost in any format either from disk or tape
- User-friendly graphical interface enables construction of sophysticated processing flows for batch processing of seismic and GPR data
- Exhaustive set of efficient processing and QC procedures
- Set of fast interactive tools for seismic and GPR data visualization and analysis
- Handy interpreation facilities: horizon picking, seismic sequence attribute analysis, interactive map, well-log data visualization
- Flexible trace header management, including mathematical operations with header fields and much more
- Special means for visualization and analysis of header field values
- Powerful and effective data base which allows storing of seismic data, processing flows, well data, picks, velocity data, grids, etc
Open scalable architecture – if you miss a specific module, you can build it yourself and integrate into the package! (Programmers working in MS Visual C++ will be provided with special User Application Wizard).